02.02.2921 开跑为期 6 天的 《房产营销速成班》,正式结束了!
这次的公开授课,惠及约 400名的观众,我们也获得热烈的反应!
作为感谢,我们决定进一步公开 CS Group 专为 CS 成员设立的 CS Academy!
CS Academy 从 2018年成立以来,收录了 100余个实用的教材,让我们的成员可以无时间限制、随时随地 学习!
CS Academy 集聚了市场上顶尖房产培训员的课程,也有行销、电子营销、房产知识、二手楼盘攻略、投资之道、领导力 等相关教学影片。
就如我们在 《房产营销速成班》所承诺的,我们将开放 CS Academy 的初级内容,让不管在 房地产界、销售界 或 对房地产有兴趣的你,都能免费学习!
你只需要填写以下表格,就能在 24小时内收到链接和密码,线上学习咯!
2 Responses
Hi. Good day to you.
May I know your company have office at KL area within Sunway Velocity?
Currently I am interested to work as property agent but don’t know which real estate company to work with.
Currently I am doing my home base online sales and part time advertising house for rent .
I am local Chinese age 41 and own transport.
Wish to receive reply from you soon.
Thank you.
hi, Valencia
We don’t have office around that area, but we are handling few projects over there. Since MCO, we move all our training to online platform, hence agents seldom need to come over to office.
Happy to know you’re considering us, you may contact me at 014-2416241 to carry out one-on-one interview, so that you can know us better.