
Atomic Habits: Proven Principles for Achieving Great Success Through Small Changes

Change Your Mindset:

When setting goals, your mindset matters. Shift from “outcome-based habits” (focusing on results) to “identity-based habits” (focusing on who you want to become).


– Instead of “I want to lose ten pounds,” think “I want to become a healthy and fit person.”

– Instead of “I want to read ten books,” think “I want to become a knowledgeable and insightful person.”

Make It Obvious:

Place the triggers for your good habits in the most visible places. Conversely, hide the triggers for your bad habits. For example, if you want to read more, leave books on your coffee table instead of your phone.


Make It Attractive:

Some behaviors, like eating, are highly addictive due to the way our brains are wired. Companies enhance the appeal of natural foods through processing, packaging, and advertising. Apply this principle to your habits by making them more attractive.


Make It Simple:

The key to forming a habit is not perfect execution but consistent repetition. The more you repeat an action, the more likely it will become a habit. Start with small, manageable actions to ensure consistency.

Make It Satisfying:

People are more likely to continue behaviors that offer rewards. Use immediate rewards to increase the frequency of a behavior. Ensure the reward aligns with your overall goals.

The Four Key Principles:

1. Make It Obvious: Increase the visibility of good habit triggers.

2. Make It Attractive: Enhance the appeal of good habits.

3. Make It Simple: Ensure the habit is easy to start and repeat.

4. Make It Satisfying: Provide rewards that encourage you to continue the habit.

By following these principles, you increase the likelihood of adopting new habits and making them stick. Start with small changes and take action for big achievements!

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